AmericanaSome decry the Constitution as flawed because it is old and obsolete. How can a document written more than two hundred years ago address modern issues? The Framers lived in a pre-industrial, pre-technological world. They couldn't anticipate the world we live in. How could they architect institutions to govern it? The Constitution is a blueprint for limited government designed “to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”. We the People does not include machines or technology. These things, sophisticated as they may be, are just tools. No, We the People includes just people. All citizens of the United States of America. Self-governing people. The Framers had tools and chose not to include mention of them in the Constitution. Had they, we might need to amend the Constitution to provide for changes in tools and technology, but they didn't. Thus, the only thing that could render the Constitution obsolete is if people abandoned the basic moral code that allows them to be self-governing. To be honest, there are those who argue that this is precisely what has happened, and it is difficult to argue otherwise. During the past century, the underpinnings of liberty have been under assault by a community of elitists who believe that they know better than We the People how to govern us. They have used mockery and sophistry in their attempt to make us doubt ourselves and turn with increasing numbers towards a paternal government to care for our every need. Ultimately, if We the People don't begin fighting back to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution, we will reach a tipping point at which the majority will voluntarily surrender their individual liberties to the elitists in exchange for security or whatever illusion they offer. Now we come to the part that would be truly funny if it weren't so tragic. What are the elitists offering in place of self-governance? What else? One or another form of government that is far older and far more obsolete than self-governance. A form of government that has been tried and failed countless times throughout history. They offer us the opportunity to be governed by those who know better than ourselves. The right sort of people. The elite. In the past they were known as monarchs – those who are elite by right of birth. Theocrats – those who are elite by their connection to the divinity. Socialists – national socialists (Nazis), international socialists (Communists), or social democrats – those who elite by virtue of their ability to claw their way to the top. Academics – those who are elite because of their intellectual superiority. Failures. Every one of them.
Self-governance is the only truly new idea. Just two centuries old, it is the only form of government that isn't obsolete and the Constitution is its charter. In the beginning, self-governance liberated the individual in ways never imagined. Individual fortunes aggregated to build the greatest national economy ever seen. Individual achievements quickly outpaced every collective in history. Only when the elitists began to interfere did the tide of success begin to ebb, and the elitists argue that everything would be better if only We the People ceded more liberty in exchange for their beneficent dominion over our lives. These elitists are the ones who argue today that our Constitution is obsolete and we should allow them to re-craft it. Thus, the answer to this question – Is the Constitution obsolete? – lies in the Preamble. If the purpose of United States government is no longer “...to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”, then yes, the Constitution is obsolete. If Americans are prepared to surrender their rights and individual liberty to be ruled by some elite class, then yes, the Constitution is obsolete. If not, then no...
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