Oh Dark ThirtyIf you have never read 1984 by George Orwell, you really should. It explains a lot about life in these times. If you have, read it again and see if you don't agree.
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4/29/2017 0 Comments What do you call #Veterans who won't stay down no matter how hard they're knocked down?VeteransOpinionYes, I used an alternative spelling of “Americans” to make a point. We the People are changing. Well, to put a fine point on it, some are different. Thus, while you and I may be American, there is a new breed among us. Let's call them “Amerikans”. No, I'm not saying that they're bad and we're good. It's just that we're different, different enough that government “...of the people, by the people, and for the people...” will have to change. Amerikans demand that it change for them. That's why they're rioting in the streets, assaulting Americans, and taking offense at virtually everything Limited government, as described in the Constitution, only works for people who are ready and able to accept responsibility for themselves, their words, and their actions. People who have lived with parents who gave them everything, need a government that will give them everything. People who have been protected from things that hurt their feelings (like losing a game or failing a test), need to be protected from having their feelings hurt by their government. People who fear responsibility cannot be granted freedom because every freedom comes with responsibility.
WritingI do. I always did. Board games back in the day. Card games too. Then came electronic games. Hand held consoles like Nintendo. Computer-based games. On line games. It was keep up or kiss them goodbye. I decided to keep up. Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO). Simulations. Adventure. Real Time Strategy (RTS). Action. Stealth Shooter. Combat. First Person Shooter (FPS). Sports. Role Playing (RPG). Educational. Well, I tried to keep up. The MMO's are beyond my dexterity (or lack of it). However, I have developed some skill with FPS. To be completely honest, one of the Adventure games, Minecraft®, really got my attention. I am a frustrated architect and Minecraft allows me to build all types of structures. And, my granddaughters love them. (Secretly, I think they brag about the worlds their grandpa creates.) EntrepreneursDisney exemplifies the lessons I learned from two other great companies: Vlasik and Toyota. The first built its success on the rock solid foundation of market domination much like Disney dominates the market for family entertainment. The second built its success by empowering its employees. Disney clearly demonstrated its mastery of this facility when my family and I embarked on a Caribbean Cruise on the Disney Fantasy during this past Thanksgiving Week In the interests of full disclosure, I can't compare my experience with other cruises. I've never taken another. My fifty years of sailing doesn't compare. You don't have someone tending to your every need when you're piloting your own pleasure craft or working as a topmast sailor on a tall ship. No, this was an entirely different sort of experience. I suppose that others may do it as well as Disney Cruise Lines (DCL), but I can't image how they could do it better.
CubaLike everyone else, Fidel was many things, many different things. What he was and what he became were vastly different images of the man. What he appeared to be depended on your point of view and the age at which you viewed him.
2016 ElectionLet's talk. It's better than fighting or rioting. The election of 2016 has raised an issue and given us a perfect example to compare the Electoral College system of selecting a President vs a popular vote. Neither candidate this year, Hillary nor Donald, is popular, so we needn't be distracted by personalities. No one can predict how either might perform as President or what challenges they will face, so let's not allow ourselves to be distracted by hysterical premonitions. Also, don't be distracted by the fact that one camp is celebrating and the other rioting. There are always winners and losers in Presidential elections. We can't simply give both sides participation trophies and call it a draw. Let's just focus on the voting system. Clearly, one candidate won a simple majority of the popular vote and the other won a vast majority of the majorities in the separate voting districts. However, because of the uneven distribution of the American population, the resulting Electoral vote count resulted in a simple majority for one over the other. Those are the facts bearing on the issue.
Election 2016
I'm writing this a the ballots are being cast. I have no clue as to whom will be the victor: Hillary or Donald. However, I know with great certainty, regardless of who wins, who will be the loser: We the People. In fact, we've already lost. Can you argue? Look at the choices.
I know. You're ready to stop reading. You're tired of this election. Well, so am I. Really tired. I voted already and I don't want to hear any more about it. However, if we look away and lose ourselves in other problems, we're going to face another election just like it, maybe worse, four years from now.
TelevisionCome hide with me down under. I've discovered a slice of it in New Zealand, on Acorn TV. There's room for you too. Look, life sucks, especially during a presidential election year. Especially during this presidential election year. We're struggling to cobble together some rational basis to vote for one or the other of the two worst candidates in history. Forget about the fringe candidates. Their quixotic runs are doomed. Like me, I bet you've made up your mind and it's time to get away from the fanatics who actually believe that either candidate is God's answers to our problems.
9/12/2016 0 Comments Are you tired of being the victim of unintended consequences of government's mistakes?Election 2016Politicians of every stripe are so focused on becoming and remaining incumbents, that they have little time to worry over the consequences of their actions and decisions. It's easy to see that the economic abyss into which we are descending is the unintended consequence of allowing them to extend their sphere of influence into every aspect of our lives It can be argued that the ten plagues visited upon the Egyptians were the unintended consequences of Pharaoh's refusal to let Moses' people go. Even so, unintended consequences didn't receive serious study until Adam Smith introduced consequentialism during the Scottish Enlightenment, then languished in obscurity. The study of unintended consequences returned to public attention in the 20th Century with the publication of “The Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action”, a paper written by sociologist Robert Merton in 1936. Even so, awareness has brought scant relief.
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