4/14/2012 5 Comments Who Will The Chosen Choose?Sunday OpinionI NEVER THOUGHT that I would see the day when a Democrat would be in danger of losing some part of the Jewish voting block. Not the whole thing, but a significant part of it seems to be at risk this coming November. I joined the Jewish community approximately thirty-five years ago when I converted to marry my wife. Fortunately, I had been circumcised at birth and didn't have to face a mohel – a Jewish circumciser – as an adult. However, even more painful was the pressure to become a Democrat. Although I'm not a member of any political party, the family consider anyone not a Democrat to be a Republican. Thus, every family gathering devolved into a group effort to help me see the error of my thinking. Fortunately, there was at least one other adult member of the family who also shared my sin and we could rely on each other for a friendly ear. Why are Jews so overwhelmingly affiliated with the Democratic party? I don't know. I've speculated that there may be some sort of genetic predisposition towards collective thought. After all, the community has been rigorously assailed in every generation and survival has depended on the group dynamic for survival. Much like herds of herbivores and schools of fish, they form a homogenous mass that is difficult to penetrate. Whatever the reason, no voting block has remained more loyal to Democratic nominees than the Jews. However, there are signs of fissures in that mass. (See Are American Jews Becoming Republican?) This month's edition of Hadassah magazine brought this development to my attention. Last month's issue featured an interview with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee. Inasmuch as we are well involved in a Presidential election cycle, Ms. Schultz took advantage of the opportunity to make the case for the re-election of the incumbent President, Barack Obama. Surprisingly, the editors of the magazine received some push back, enough to inspire them to defend themselves.
Hadassah Magazine Editor's Note: “Hadassah Magazine interviews figures from across the political spectrum in the United States and Israel. In America, given biennial Congressional contests and long presidential campaigns, it is inevitable that some of these interviews take place close to elections. As the letters here indicate, readers often taken issue with people interviewed. We are confident, however, that if readers look back at our interview subjects over the long term, they will find that we present a balanced sample of Republican and Democratic views.” Interestingly, their preamble was not responsive to the content of the four letters they published. Only one objected to the person being interviewed or her party affiliation. This correspondent worried that providing a forum for a prominent Democratic spokesperson might imperil their status as a charitable organization. Highly unlikely. The other three correspondents objected to Wasserman's assertions that the President is a friend of Israel, the fact that she was vindictive in her attacks on the opposition, and that the President's ideology reflects a departure from traditional Democratic values. Fortunately for the President, a major shift in the Jewish vote won't impact the November elections greatly. Only 2.1% of the American population is Jewish. Even though it is a politically active segment, it is hardly enough to sway the outcome unless the election is extremely close. Unfortunately for the Jews, there isn't much respite waiting for them with the Republicans. Other than Republican's unwavering support for Israel, there doesn't seem to be very much difference between the President and his presumptive opponent. Indeed, there is little difference between him and his predecessor. Keep in mind that this last statement is only an expression of opinion from someone who doesn't have any skin in this game. In truth, my dream result this November would be for all incumbents to be replaced if for no other reason than to serve warning to all elected officials that the American public is finally awake and expecting real results.
4/14/2012 10:26:28 pm
4/15/2012 12:04:06 am
You and I appear to be members of the same political party. We don't have an affiliation or a candidate on the ticket. My personal philosophy has become: "Throw the bastard out." I don't care if he's Republican or Democrat. If he's in, throw him out. I just waiting for the return of the Whigs.
4/15/2012 02:50:03 am
The only problem with the "throw the bastards out" view is that once they are thrown out, someone has to replace them and govern the country. To me the deal is that the system itself is so broken that the only persons who can get elected, whether they be newcomers or incumbents, are those who kowtow to special interests. That means all political decisions are based on self-interest and are doomed not to seek the good of the populace as a whole. The only way to reform the system is to get money out of it, and I don't see any chance of that happening in the short term.
4/15/2012 06:04:59 am
Perhaps this is why, historically, democracies or, more accurately, republics have a date stamp. When they become too bureaucratic and require to much participation from the public, they degenerate into business rather than governing.
4/15/2012 07:32:28 am
It's always interesting to hear from the lot of you that are (a wee bit) older than me and have lived through a different era. I moved to the U.S. in Oct.2003 and from seeing the blog comments over the past few months, I feel like I really missed out on better days and better pools of presidential candidates. I agree, the rise of special interests is the death of the functioning system. Only one candidate for the Republican nomination had the guts to talk about it (Buddy Roemer) and his invitations to the debates kept getting mysteriously lost in the mail.
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