Army LifeObviously, the greatest sacrifice is of life for those killed in the line of duty, and permanent scars and loss of limb for those who are wounded. However, the vast majority are not killed or wounded and yet, they too make sacrifices. The greatest among these, in my opinion, is the separation of families during deployments. There was a humorous adage among us when I served that if you needed a wife, the Army would issue you one. Yes, we laughed, and then many of us went out and got our own. Often, children were a byproduct of our rash decisions, and they were delivered in military hospitals, which brings us to the story I want to tell.
7/27/2015 0 Comments Can veteran amputees be sexy?Army LifeYes, it's a highly over-used phrase that all service members sign a blank check which they are prepared to redeem with their lives. But is there a higher price than life? Inasmuch as terrorists can't meet US armed forces head on in traditional combat, they resort to IEDs which have left broken and maimed bodies in their wake. Many of these veterans have fought valiantly to redeem their lives while others languish in psychological hell. Is this a way to help them? LA-based fitness photographer Michael Stokes is putting a different spin on how wounded veterans are depicted. He's raising money on Kickstarter for a book called "Always Loyal" that features stunning photos of 14 U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps veterans of the Iraq War, Gulf War, and War in Afghanistan. I published this same post on RallyPoint (a blog and discussion forum targeted at military personnel, both active duty and veterans) and my VFW post website, and received enthusiastic responses that yes, these veterans are very sexy.
Well, if nothing else, they look far sexier than me... AmericaIt seems to me that those who self-identify as “liberal” are about as liberal as Rachel Dolezal is “black”. I have studied the word and cannot find any measure by which self-described liberals are “liberal”. Classical liberalism was practiced by those who championed liberty. Today's liberals are the avowed enemies of liberty. They strive to impose their will on others. They ban words and symbols that they deem offensive while using the vile and offensive words and symbols in pursuit of their perceived devils. They use the bludgeon of government to foist ill-conceived schemes on the public despite the fact that every such attempt has ended in ruin. They do not trust the individual to manage their own lives in their own best interests nor trust the electorate to govern themselves. Ultimately, they attempt to disarm citizens, to deprive them of the means to defend themselves from assaults on their liberty.
army LifeThis was a popular refrain of the antiwar movement during the conflict in Vietnam. It was used to vilify us. After all, there would be no war, no babies murdered, if we all just burned our draft cards and refused to fight. Does anyone actually believe this? I'm surprised that this cry hasn't been heard recently. Despite the fact that the WMDs were found, pacifists still insist that “Bush lied and people died.” Despite the fact that it has now been documented that Bush directed the CIA and his Administration to refrain from making a big deal out of the WMDs, his critics insist that it was his only rationale for going to war (that and as revenge for an alleged attack on this father). Despite the fact that Saddam Hussein was in breach of the agreement that suspended the war that drove his forces from Kuwait, the war's critics insist that there was no legal basis for the resumption of hostilities. In view of all this, I'm surprised that the pacifists haven't fallen back on the argument that all wars would be impossible if common folk like you and me simply refused to put on the uniform, pick up a gun, and go soldiering. Interestingly, like most good ideas, it was taken out of context and perverted to the simplistic thinking of idealists. The actual line is plagiarized from a poem by Bertold Bretch What if they gave a war and nobody came? Why then the war will come to you! He who stays home when the fight begins And lets another fight for his cause Should take care: He who does not take part In the battle will share in the defeat. Even avoiding battle will not avoid Battle, since not to fight for your own cause really means Fighting in behalf of your enemy's cause. I suppose it rhymes when read in Bretch's native language (German). It certainly doesn't support the pacifist's ideology in any language. Failure to read past the first line simply is lazy thinking.
11/13/2014 1 Comment Toys for Tots but not for Marines?Army LifeWhen I was a Buck Private in the Army, I earned $89 per month. Just beer and cigarette money we called it. Everything else was provided: Food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, etc. Obviously, we couldn't support a wife and family on such a pittance, but we were told that if the Army/Marine Corp/Air Force/Navy wanted us to have a wife, they would have issued one to us. That was in the days of conscription. With the advent of the All-Volunteer Military, all service members were promised a living wage and many privates and corporals married and some have children. However, the promises haven't been kept. It's become so bad that many on welfare feed better at the government trough than those charged with protecting our nation and its Constitution and people.
Army LifeWell, it's good new and bad news all wrapped up in one package. The Good News: Michael has been paroled. The Bad News: The stain on his record remains as an injustice. Still, his family and friends are glad that he is coming home, and I'm glad for them. Still, I hope that justice will be served in this case some day. You may read the previous episodes of this continuing story at the following linked postings in this blog as well as the website dedicated to Michael. Original Posting: Who is more deserving of justice than the men & women who fight to defend our freedom? Update 1: Parole hearing scheduled Update 2: Parole denied Update 3: Government dragging its feet in responding to Supreme Court Update 4: Is justice delayed justice denied in the case of Lt Behenna? Update 5: Justice plods ahead slowly: Lietenant Behenna's case in conference at the Supreme Court Update 6: What price justice? Update 7: Justice denied Update 8: Appeal Denied To the thousands of Michael supporters,
With tears of joy in our eyes we are happy to tell all of you that Michael is coming home! He called us this morning to tell us his parole had been granted and he will be released on March 14, 2014. So in one month Michael will finally be home with his family. Praise God from whom all blessings flow..... It has been, to say the least, quite a ride. Michael signed up for the Army in order to serve his country and honor the innocent people killed on 9/11. As a lieutenant he led his men in the ‘Mad Dog’ 5th Platoon into combat in Iraq and with them bravely faced a determined and ruthless insurgency. Then his story took a bizarre turn when he was charged and later convicted of killing a known Al-Qaida cell leader who was directly involved in an IED attack that killed two of his soldiers, Steven Christofferson and Adam Kohlhaas. He spent the next five years of his life in a small cell in the medium security wing at the military prison at Fort Leavenworth serving a 15 year murder conviction. Life is often not fair, and as we have seen, justice is sometimes hard to come by. For the innocent man who is sent to prison, life can seem especially cruel. To survive that requires strength that comes from deep inside. It also requires the love and support from family and close friends. Michael always knew he could count on his family and friends to be there for him. What has rocked his world is how thousands of people he has never met could will him through this struggle. YOU DID THAT! As you’re reading this I want you to say to yourself ‘they’re talking to me’. YOU made the difference in how our son responded to this adversity. Whether you sent him a postcard, a letter, put money in his prison account, contributed to his defense fund, wrote your Congressional Representative, shared Michael’s story with a friend, rode your motorcycle in a rally of support, or lifted Michael up in prayer to Almighty God, you made the difference. YOU literally saved our son's life with your love and support, and for that we will be forever grateful. God bless each and every one of you! Scott & Vicki Behenna 7/24/2013 2 Comments Can mercy answer an injustice? Please add your voice to a call to parole a soldierArmy LifeThe family and friends of Michael Behenna have failed to obtain justice for this American soldier who has been incarcerated for a crime committed while serving his country. We have argued that he was treated with injustice, but to no avail. The only recourse remaining is to now fight for his parole. Please take a few moments to contribute your voice to this cause. You may read the previous episodes of this continuing story at the following linked postings in this blog as well as the website dedicated to Michael. Original Posting: Who is more deserving of justice than the men & women who fight to defend our freedom? Update 1: Parole hearing scheduled Update 2: Parole denied Update 3: Government dragging its feet in responding to Supreme Court Update 4: Is justice delayed justice denied in the case of Lt Behenna? Update 5: Justice plods ahead slowly: Lietenant Behenna's case in conference at the Supreme Court Update 6: What price justice? Update 7: Justice denied To all the thousands of Michael supporters,
Thank you so much for the huge outpouring concerning our request to contact your local VFW chapter about the courageous VFW Resolution to free Michael. We don’t know the final outcome of the Resolution as the VFW National Conference will not vote on resolutions until the end of this week. We will advise you when we hear the result. We realize that the VFW request may have been more of an appeal to those who had military contacts, but we certainly appreciate all those supporters without military contacts that also cold-called their VFW’s to assist with Michael’s resolution. We have one more very important request for all who have followed Michael’s case and want to help him directly. Michael is eligible for parole for the first time in January 2014 and his parole packet must be completed by the end of August 2013. It is our desire to provide the Army Parole Board with hundreds of letters of support as well as letters of employment. We want to leave no doubt in the Army Parole Board’s mind that Michael is more than an acceptable risk to leave prison; that in fact he is openly welcomed back into American Society by the public at large. Please take the time to draft and sign a short letter of support (one page only) and/or a letter of employment, and either email or mail them to us for inclusion in Michael’s parole packet (the email and physical mailing address are at the bottom of this email.) We have included a few bullet points for possible inclusion in your letters, but feel free to write with passion and from your heart. A note of caution…insulting the Board will be counterproductive as the Board did not place Michael in prison, but they hold the keys to his release. Please address your letters as follows: To the Parole Division – US Disciplinary Barracks Letters of Support: How you know Michael, or how you learned about and followed his case; what you know about Michael’s character and family support, or how you have read that he served the country honorably and has paid a severe price (a price that he will continue to pay throughout his life with a felony conviction); knowing the facts and circumstances surrounding Michael’s background, case, and service, you welcome him back into society and know he will succeed with such overwhelming support. Letters with Offers of Employment: Name of Business, Company, LLC, or Partnership; Position and Duties; Salary and/or Commission. Note that Michael completed a Bachelors of Science from the Univ. of Central Oklahoma; studied history, military science and general studies while in college, and is well read (over 300 books while in prison). He has also studied a lot about ranching while he has been incarcerated and would especially be interested in anyone who would hire him to work and learn to operate a ranching business.) This is our first and hopefully our last time advising the Parole Board about the support base that has been encouraging Michael all these years and is patiently waiting for him to walk out of prison a free man. For all the unbelievable efforts, tears, prayers, cards, and letters you have offered to Michael and our family, sending a letter to the Parole Board is the one way you can directly have your voice heard about what has happened to this brave soldier who was imprisoned for an action taken in a war zone to protect himself and his Brothers-in Arms. Last week a jury in Florida exonerated George Zimmerman and said that he had the right to stand his ground when confronting an unarmed teenager. The Army on the other hand declared that Michael lost that same right to defend himself when confronting a member of Al-Qa'ida in Iraq. Please take this opportunity to let the Army Parole Board hear the thoughts of every day Americans who will not leave this Soldier behind and encourage your family and friends to do the same. We must bind all the letters of support and employment letters into Michael's parole packet and send it to the Army Parole Board BEFORE September 1st, so please send your letters to us no later than August 23rd (just a month away). Bless you for your continued support of our son, Scott & Vicki Behenna www.defendmichael.com Email address: [email protected] Mailing address: 1050 E. 2nd Street #169; Edmond, OK 73034 Army LifeI have posted the letters from the family of Lieutenant Behenna as they fought to find justice in his case. I am sad to say that this probably will be the final posting and it is a sad ending indeed. The Supreme Court has refused to hear his case. Here are the links to the previous postings in case you missed them: Original Posting: Who is more deserving of justice than the men & women who fight to defend our freedom? Update 1: Parole hearing scheduled Update 2: Parole denied Update 3: Government dragging its feet in responding to Supreme Court Update 4: Is justice delayed justice denied in the case of Lt Behenna? Update 5: Justice plods ahead slowly: Lietenant Behenna's case in conference at the Supreme Court Update 6: What price justice? Please send Lieutenant Behenna a card or a letter now and then. Not only will it help him survive his incarceration with some semblance of humanity, but also it will help you remember that justice in America is in peril. The daily news of scandals from the halls of power are not unrelated to this case. It is just another instance of the application of justice according to political and ideological tests that pervades this Administration. The only hope for justice remaining is a Presidential Pardon. Will the current occupant of the White House grant one? As my Magic Eight Ball might say, "It is doubtful". Inasmuch as this Administration is committed to appeasement towards the terrorists, they can't be expected to act justly to those who fight them. Hopefully the next President will be wiser and act more justly. We can only pray... To all the thousands of Michael supporters,
Over the past five years all Michael truly wanted was a fair trial to show that he was defending himself when attacked by a known Al-Qa’ida member on that fateful May night in 2008. A week ago the Supreme Court announced that Michael’s case was denied certiorari. This effectively ends the possibility of a jury hearing from Dr. Herbert MacDonell, the expert witness for the Army prosecutors who told them in private during the original trial that he believed the evidence supported Michael’s version of the events. As most of you know the prosecutors sent Dr. MacDonell home rather than have him provide testimony that would have corroborated what Michael said happened in that Iraqi culvert. We will never know why the prosecutors wantonly withheld this evidence, or why the military chose to release a known terrorist whom Army Intelligence knew participated in the killing of Michael’s Soldiers (and for whom the Army had issued a kill/capture order on), or why Michael’s platoon was designated as the unit to return the very man responsible for the IED attack on Michael’s Soldier’s back to his home. Although many questions will remain unanswered, one thing that I can tell you with absolute certainty is that Michael remains in good health, good spirits, and will dutifully serve in prison until the Army tells him he can go free, whether that be next year or ten years from now. I honestly don’t know how those that betrayed Michael sleep at night, but we are comforted by the fact that Michael is at peace in knowing his actions on May 16, 2008 protected himself, his troops, and all the Iraqi citizens that may have been harmed in the future by this Al-Qa’ida terrorist. While the military justice system that denied Michael a fair trial is indeed broken, despite everything Michael’s spirit remains UNBROKEN! To quote the poem Invictus, 'his head is bloody, but unbowed.' With the decision by the Supreme Court to not review Michael’s case our legal battle has come to an end, but our fight to secure Michael’s freedom goes on. I know many of you who contacted your Congressional Delegations in the past had been told that they can’t do anything while Michael’s case works its way through the courts. Well those excuses are no longer valid and we want all those in charge - the President, The Secretary of Defense, The Secretary of the Army, the Army Clemency and Parole Board, the Congress - to finally stand up for what’s right and allow Michael to return home to his family and start a new life. These leaders and the entire country must ask the question: who is benefiting from Michael’s further incarceration? Society? The Army? Michael? Iraq? In 2009 President Bush commuted the sentences of the Border Patrol Agents Compean and Ramos due to public outcry. With your assistance we can do the same for Michael. Michael may have been denied by the Supreme Court, but he knows from your many cards and letters of support that he has not been rebuked or rejected by the American public or Soldiers/Marines who have walked in his shoes before him. Please pass this latest disappointing news to your family, friends, and neighbors so we can work together to tell the political leaders of this country that we need to bring this brave Soldier home where he belongs! Bless you for your continued support of our son! Scott & Vicki Behenna The poem INVICTUS, by William Henley Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. Army LifeJUSTICE DOESN'T COME CHEAP. Just read the most recent letter that I received from the family and friends of Michael Behenna. You'll see. What's even more tragic is that the opposition is well funded. They have the full faith and credit of our broken government funding the fight to keep Michael locked away. Is it fair? Of course not, but justice isn't supposed to be fair, just impartial. In case you are new to this story, please take a moment and use the following links to catch up. Otherwise, skip them and read the letter which begins below the image of Michael. Original Posting: Who is more deserving of justice than the men & women who fight to defend our freedom? Update 1: Parole hearing scheduled Update 2: Parole denied Update 3: Government dragging its feet in responding to Supreme Court Update 4: Is justice delayed justice denied in the case of Lt Behenna? Update 5: Justice plods ahead slowly: Lietenant Behenna's case in conference at the Supreme Court To the thousands of Michael supporters,
My name is David Wahl. I am the father of Michael Behenna’s girlfriend Shannon Wahl and run the DefendMichael.com website. I have known Michael for several years going back to when Michael and Shannon first started dating. I attended Michael’s officer school graduation at Fort Benning, his Ranger school graduation, and his deployment to Iraq from Fort Campbell. I was in the courtroom for Michael’s trial for premeditated murder at Fort Campbell, including the moment when a jury of seven non-combat officers convicted him of unpremeditated murder. I witnessed the stunned look of betrayal on Michael’s face. I was in that same courtroom again three weeks later when the trial judge denied a request for a mistrial on a Brady law violation (the government had withheld evidence.) And I was in the small room at the back of that courtroom with Michael and his family for his last thirty minutes of freedom before he was taken away. These past four years that Michael has sat in a small prison cell at Fort Leavenworth have been a tortuous journey for those closest to him – but as you can imagine, most of all for his parents Vicki and Scott. They have endured the emotional pain of seeing their son treated as a criminal at the hands of a broken and blind military justice system, of five hour drives to ‘celebrate’ birthdays and holidays in a noisy visitation center, of the heartbreak of one court ruling after another go against Michael, of bizarre prison rules that change from visit to visit and which make civilian prisons look like Club Med. But beyond the emotional toll that the Behenna’s have carried is the financial burden of taking on the United States government that has unlimited resources at their disposal (our tax dollars hard at work.) Starting with the original trial to the CAAF appeal which we lost by a narrow 3-2 vote the Behenna’s have spent well over $400,000 in their fight for their son’s freedom. I know that so many of you have already graciously stepped forward and lightened this financial burden, but unfortunately a significant shortfall remains. And if the Supreme Court decides to hear Michael’s case that shortfall will grow by at least another $100,000. The Behenna’s are a proud family and asking for financial support is not something they are comfortable doing, especially given how many people are in need today, including so many fellow Oklahoman’s devastated by the recent tornados. So I humbly ask each of you who believe in Michael’s cause, to consider giving a few dollars to his legal fund, which can be found on his web site at www.defendmichael.com. If each one of the thousands of supporters of Michael gave $20 then the Behenna’s would be able to cover most of the current deficit. Donations can be made through PayPal on Michael’s web site, or if you prefer you can mail a check directly to his Michael’s defense fund at: Michael Behenna Legal Defense Fund c/o Jack Dawson, co-trustee 100 Park Avenue, Second Floor Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102-8099 Please know that your support for Michael, whether in the form of a donation, a card, or a letter, is appreciated more than words can say. For Michael and his parents this difficult journey has only been possible because of the outpouring of support from all of you. It has sustained them in their darkest hours, of which there have been many. Finally, please keep Michael in your thoughts and prayers as we await the ultimate decision by the highest court in the land on whether they will hear Michael’s case. I remain, now and forever, a proud supporter of a young man who some day I hope will be my son-in-law. Respectfully, David Wahl www.defendmichael.com 5/20/2013 2 Comments Justice plods ahead slowly: Lieutenant Behenna's case in conference at the Supreme CourtArmy LifeThis is the fifth installment in the continuing saga of the imprisonment of an American infantry officer for "murdering" a Taliban fighter in Afghanistan. If you are new to this story, you may review my previous postings: Original Posting: Who is more deserving of justice than the men & women who fight to defend our freedom? Update 1: Parole hearing scheduled Update 2: Parole denied Update 3: Government dragging its feet in responding to Supreme Court Update 4: Is justice delayed justice denied in the case of Lt Behenna? The following was broadcast by Lt Behenna's parents in an email: To all the thousands of Michael supporters,
Michael's case, including the Petition, the Government Response, and the Reply to the Government Response, is now complete and before the Supreme Court. The Supremes have set Michael's case to be initially discussed at their conference on May 30th which is ironically during the 50th Anniversary of Brady vs Maryland (the Supreme Court case demanding that prosecutors disclose all beneficial information to the criminally accused). During the conference, four out of the nine Supreme Court Justices must vote to hear the case in order to grant certiorari. If certiorari is granted in Michael's case it would be the first time the Supremes would have granted a service member's appeal from the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF). Needless to say, anxiousness will abound for the next few weeks and prayers are certainly welcome. We should have the Court’s decision sometime during the first week of June. If the Court grants certiorari, Michael’s case would proceed through a briefing process, oral arguments, and a decision by the Supreme Court hopefully before the end of the year. We can't thank you enough for all the encouraging cards and letters that you sent to Michael for his birthday. As Michael told us this past weekend it is these cards and letters that help him navigate the sometimes helpless and hopeless thoughts that have haunted him these past four years behind prison walls. He reads every card and letter sent to him, but given his prison schedule of work, exercise time, meals and early lights out he unfortunately does not have time to send out very many thank you notes. For this he sends his apologies and hopes a day will come soon when he can thank all of you in person. If you did not see the Mother's Day tribute to Vicki last Sunday in the Oklahoman, hopefully the attached video and article will describe the huge appreciation we have for all your support and what your individual words of encouragement have meant to Michael and our whole family. Vicki's Mother's Day Video - http://newsok.com/multimedia/video/2372015906001 Vicki’s Mother's Day Article - http://newsok.com/behenna Bless you all for your support of our son, Scott & Vicki Behenna www.defendmichael.com |
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